Thursday, January 31, 2008

BU2AI/9 News


Back to Home QTH, Taipei city. BU2AI/9 online log search is over here. The card for BU2AI/9 is still in design, please be patient. By the way, BU2AI may will go to Matsu island again in December this year.

Total QSO after today is 627.

Worked TX5C on 30m today using barefoot and vertical antenna. Very difficult to hear them on other bands for the past few days.

From Mar/5 to Mar/7, there will be two colleagues coming here for training. QRV time will be reduced.

Rigs were setup today, and started QSO from 1030Z. Thanks for everyone interested in my IOTA operation. My location is on east side of Beigan island, grid locator: PL06af. However, there is another small island connected to Beigan main island by sand bar to the east. I can see the sea to the northeast and south. A mountain about 1000 ft is very close to my west side, so the result to EU may be somehow influenced. This QTH is again heavily influenced by nearby aviation NDB & DME. I will still try some low band QSO.

BU2AI arrived Beigan, Matus safe and sound this afternoon.

Log for first operation period has been uploaded to BU2AI/9 LOG. I will fly to Beigan island on Feb/29 afternoon if weather is ok.

I am starting packing up everything for my short 9 days relief and preparing to move to the next working location, Beigan township. Last QSO is made by 1050Z today. Total QSO number is 1202. On Feb/21, I will first take the ferry to Beigan with my baggage and then fly back to Taiwan from there to reduce the labor moving all rigs in and out Matsu islands. On Feb/29 I will fly to Beigan and hope to QRV on Mar/1 if time permits

Due to VP6DX on air, though my IOTA AS-113 is rare, most DXCC chasers will move their focus on the Ducie Island dxpedition. I also called them using bare foot output with vertical antenna. Worked them on 20m 17m 15m and 12m CW. Their QSX QRG is usually far from TX freq, sometimes hard for me to find a proper QRG to call CQ. I will try my best to meet all sked request. Total QSO number after today is 881.

Some EU stations come in on 30m about 2240Z. Total QSO after today is 812.

Total QSO after today is 692.

Today mainly work on 20 & 17m. Some SA stations come in but not very strong. Also worked some EU station on 30m during my evening time. Total QSO number after today is 604.

NA stations come in again during my morning time on 30m & 20m. West coast of NA seems to be better on 20m. Due to the nature of my work, QSO might be suddenly interrupted during my day time from 2300Z to 0900Z. I will announce QRX if a break for my work is needed. I tried to work on 80m and 40m, but again my RX is very poor due to local interference. Total QSO number after today is 369.
Additional note: the inside temperature is about 10C, and we have no indoor heating system. Please forgive me if you see my keying is full of error.

Today the propagation seems to be good for NA on 20m around 0100Z. Worked some 200+ stations during my spare time today, mainly on 30m, 20m and 17m as well as some on 40m. I will try to satisfy all sked requests as my working schedule permits. Due to low efficiency on lower band, 160m, 80m, and 40m are quite difficult to get others to hear me. Also I tried some SSB earlier but not as good as CW during such low propagation and my high background noise. Sked QSO on 30m for Atlantic side of NA didn’t work today. Will keep trying in next couple days.

The antenna was moved to a slightly higher position for vertical installation again. Today is the new year’s eve of Chinese New Year, so won’t QRV for long period because of the new year’s eve dinner. Worked only about 10 stations on 80m, 30m and 20m. Happy Chinese New Year to everyone and live long and prosperous!

Tonight tried 20m & 30m. By horizontal setup, the BB7V seems to perform well on TX, but still noisy for RX (only minor improvement). Real report to EU stations is about S2. Will try lower bands in next couple days. Sorry for my poor RX due to nearby NDB and DME. Currently has no band pass filter, except one low pass. Antenna was disassembled after QSO due to restriction and also the 40kts gust. It was quite difficult to do the antenna work under 30+ kts wind with rain. (Worked about 82 stations today, thanks!!)

Weather finally cleared out today, and all equipments arrived as well as my other personal luggage. Hopefully QRV after 1200 UTC tonight. Antenna can see the sea to the north, east and south at 372ft height MSL (about 40m AGL).

After test run, vertical setup of the Diamond BB7V shows typical noisy characteristics of vertical antenna. Due to close by aviation NDB and DME (500W & 1KW each), noise floor goes to S9 on every HF band. Not even one amateur station can be heard.

The weather has paralyzed transportation between Taipei and Matsu for couple days. So far, the helicoptor is the only way between Taipei and Matsu, and the weight limitation is just 5 kgs per passenger. BU2AI is on his way to Matsu but will need more time to get all rigs together after he settle down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, hopes cw contact you, I do not yet have qso of your country.
73s on4kep