Wednesday, May 21, 2008

당신은 사랑받기위해 태어난 사람

韓文課上老師介紹了這首韓文歌, 非常令人感動的一首歌. 這首歌同時也有日文與英文版本.

당신은 사랑받기위해 태어난 사람 你是為愛而生

당신은 사랑 받기 위해 태어난 사람

당신의 삶 속에서 그 사랑 받고 있지요

你知道嗎 你是因上帝的愛而誕生 在你的生命中,你已接受他的愛

당신은 사랑 받기 위해 태어난 사람

당신의 삶 속에서 그 사랑 받고 있지요

你知道嗎 你是因上帝的愛而誕生 在你的生命中,你已接受他的愛

태초부터 시작된 하나님의 사랑은

우리의 만남을 통해 열매를 맺고

在萬物被創造的那一刻起上帝的愛就已存在 隨著我們友誼的成熟

당신이 이 세상에 존재함으로 인해

우리에게 얼마나 큰 기쁨이 되는지

因為你在地球上的存在 我們共度了快樂的時光

당신은 사랑 받기 위해 태어난 사람

지금도 그 사랑 받고 있지요

你是因為上帝的愛而誕生 盡管現在你已經得到了他偉大的愛

당신은 사랑 받기 위해 태어난 사람

지금도 그 사랑 받고 있지요

你是因為上帝的愛而誕生 盡管現在你已經得到了他偉大的愛

きみは愛されるため生まれた YouTube - 松本優香
作詞・作曲/イ・ミンソプ 訳詞/神 明宏 朴 鍾弼 & B.B.J.
永遠の神の愛は われらの出会いの中で実を結ぶ
きみの存在が 私にはどれほど大きな喜びでしょう
きみは愛されるため生まれた 今もその愛受けている
きみは愛されるため生まれた 今もその愛受けている

You are created to receive the greatest love

You are created to receive the greatest love
You experience this love in every portion of your life
You are created to receive the greatest love
You experience this love in every portion of your life
From the beginning God has shown His love to bless you
As we greet and bless each other there is fruit of love
Because you are with us we experience tremendous joy
Let us come before our God with thanksgiving in our heart
You are created to receive the greatest love
You now experience this never-ceasing love
You are created to receive the greatest love
You now experience this never-ceasing love

From the beginning God has shown His love to bless you
As we greet and bless each other there is fruit of love
Because you are with us we experience tremendous joy
Let us come before our God with thanksgiving in our heart
You are created to receive the greatest love
You now experience this never-ceasing love
You are created to receive the greatest love
You now experience this never-ceasing love
You are created to receive the greatest love
You experience this love in every portion of your life
You are created to receive the greatest love
You experience this love in every portion of your life
You experience this love in every portion of your life.

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